Monday Afternoon Update...
- What an amazing church service we had on the parking lot of the Windsor Park Mall Shelter last night.

- Hopefully, we'll be able to post a few pictures from the evening in a future post.
- The American Red Cross is announcing that it is no longer accepting tangible items. Please continue to support the Katrina Relief Effort financially by donating to any reputable organization that the Holy Spirit leads.
For example, the Alamo City Christian Fellowship is still receiving funds designated for the Katrina Releif Effort. Please continue to pray and participate. - Please pray for the meeting (between SAHA and several San Antonio area church pastors) that is scheduled to take place here at ACCF this Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
Our old friend, Roger Fisher, joined us on the sax and a new friend, from New Orleans, helped himself to the microphone and sang forth the "real-ness" of God. It was a glorious night!
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