06-15-07 Kenya Post
8:30 a.m. Kenya Time

We toured Lake Nakuru National Park and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. We ended the day with a feast at a restaurant named, "Carnivore." ('nuff said)
Today we will depart Lukenya Getaway as most of the group returns to San Antonio and the basketball group arrives here in Africa. Not sure when we'll have Internet access again so... stay tuned!
Pictures below...
[ click on each image to enlarge ]
The eart is the Lord's, and all who live in it; He founded it upon the waters and establisehed it upon the seas. ps 24,1-2
Sarah, it is always a joy to see your smiling face. What a blessing the Lord has bestowed upon you, for His Glory.
Pam we love you.
May God continue to direct and bless you all.
Jo ann (mom)
Ernie, did you find any arrow heads yet? I see you went to the mountain top again!
What joy and peace to see you all serving and enjoying His creation.
Let your hearts be changed forever for His Kingdom!
Guion Family we love you and are so amazed by your constant love and dedication to Christ...you are one of a kind and such an amazing witness to all. See you soon.
Love the Miller Family
John, Mary, Alexis, Johnny and Blake
Good Afternoon to the Mission TEAM ! Saturday (6/16)
I just got a voice mail (11:20 am, Saturday) from Darleen. (I regret not hearing my cell phone!) THEYR EMAIL IS DOWN, even at the new place. She wanted me to let everyone know that Scott Adams, Cornell Jones, Everett White, and Bruce Adams all got their fine. They are all at the "Y" now and doing really good! Everyone says Hello~ Billy preaches tomorrow morning, so please pray for that.
I am uncertain if Cornell or Everett's email address is on this, so if anyone knows them, please let their families know.
Blessings to each and every one of you! Darleen and Billy send "much gratitude" for your prayers and petitions to Christ Jesus on their behalf!
PJ :)
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