July 25th, Pregreso Yucatan 2007
Bible Club: 72 Children

Walking the Cross in
Progreso Yucatan
7 - gave their lives to Christ on the Cross Walk....

??? Just because

Leaving for the Rally!

Drama "Will you follow Jesus"

Eddie closer to the drama..... "Who will you Follow"

Rister drawing for the "Two Roads"

Jerry preaching the message following the Drama and Randy's drawing!
"10- prayed to recieve Christ"
Ministry time following the Message..........

Eddie and Jerry are with a man who
received Christ!

Jennifer and Robbie sharing Christ

Kim, Darleen and T' praying for healing..

Rister & Rosie sharing the redemption Power of Jesus
to break drug addiction....

Some teenagers asking about Hell....
They prayed and asked Jesus to save them!!!

Kim finds a gift for Dave! "Don't tell him"

Who is this????

Keep us in prayer as we seek the heart of God for the Yucatan......
See you later
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" jp
It's our own Jacob Pittman!!!!!
There's truly POWER IN THE BLOOD! Shanna and I wish we were with you. We're praying daily for God's glory to come down in the Yucatan.
God bless,
Daryl & Shanna
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