Alamo City Christian Fellowship Missions
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Larry Singletary Update!
Good morning.
It's 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, August 2nd, and I just got off the phone with Terry Singletary.

GOOD NEWS! Larry is in possession of his passport and should be arriving in Houston this Sunday evening!
Praise God for answered prayer! Here's the short story:
Evidently, when Larry (and the two young men who have been working with him) arrived in Enebbe a couple of days ago, he went to the bank to withdraw some money for the return trip to the United States. He then took his two friends to the airport to catch their flight back to the US. (He was scheduled on a different and later flight.)
Well, when he began packing and organizing his things, he noticed that his passport was missing. After looking repeated through his possessions, he assumed that it must have been stolen and called Terry to ask for prayer.
Not being in possession of your passport in any foreign country is a serious matter. In this circumstance - no passport, no flight!
So, last night at church, Alamo City went to prayer.
As Larry began to retrace his steps, the last place he remembered having his passport was in the bank in Entebbe.
So, this morning, when the bank opened, he went back. Check this out - as soon as he walked into the bank lobby some bank officials immediately met him and asked him to be seated and left him. In just a few moments they returned with his passport in hand!
He had not even spoken a word upon entering the bank! He just walked in and they knew immediately why he had come!
Apparently, the passport had not been stolen as Larry had thought, but had simply been left at the bank the day before!
But wait, there's more!
Larry did indeed miss his flight this morning. But before he went to the bank, he had made a reservation on a later flight - in faith - even though he didn't have his passport.
Many times, changing flights at the last minute can be very expensive, especially overseas! But the Lord had seen fit to provide Larry with a ticket that had a "no change in fare amount" in the event that his travel plans changed.
The change of missing his original flight this morning and re-booking for a later departure isn't going to cost any additional money!
I'm sure that I've omitted several details but won't it be such a blessing to get to hear the real and full story from Larry when he arrives stateside?
Thank you for praying, Alamo City! There is power in agreed prayer!
(Perhaps the passport had been stolen after all and the Lord intervened in history by supernaturally placing it back at the bank! Who knows - with God, all things are possible!)
Well, that's the update. Please continue praying for Larry and Terry and their ministry called, XTREME TEAMS INTERNATIONAL.
If you would like to know about or contribute financially toward their work, please visit their website:

Hey, have a blessed day, thanks again for your prayers and - Lord willing - we'll see you Sunday morning.